Sunday, May 31, 2009


My husband keeps asking if I've posted the sad girl (actually he refers to her as d*ck girl) pic on the blog ... um, not till right now.  You can see where I've shared the Mason discussion of this pic here.

Without further ado ... the sad girl (please note hair similarity) ...

I continue to contend that this is merely a pic of a sad girl.  My hubby firmly believes that it's a pic of an unhappy girl with a d*ck in her mouth.  I decided to take a very scientifically accurate poll and emailed Redhead Jen to get her opinion.  Usually she and I are on the same page ... usually.  Unfortunately she had to get her hubby involved who totally tilted the results of this scientific poll.

The final tally:

Little wife: sad girl
Little wife's hubby: d*ck girl
Redhead Jen: undecided ... leaning toward d*ck girl (traitor??? perhaps)
Redhead Jen's hubby: d*ck girl

Mathematically, d*ck girl wins ... but since this is my blog ... I WIN (of course).

Does anyone dispute my findings?  Little Wife Husband and Redhead Jen Husband need not apply.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

good wife

On Monday night I made hubby his favorite "wife food" ... blue cheese mini pizzas. I happen to think they're disgusting but the husband can't seem to get enough (I hate hate hate blue cheese). The little wife won't go near them (phew saved a gillion calories) and the husband is happy. Win-win!

I'm also a good wife because I went free shopping on Monday. Aunt Amanda (my sister) came over and we went shopping on M&J (my parents). I got adorable new stuff for free! I was thrilled with my new clothes and my hubby was thrilled with the fact that our bank account balance didn't decrease. Again, win-win!

The good/little wife had an awesome Memorial Day :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Alright, I'm putting this out into the blog world ... I'm rededicating myself to eating well (Weight Watchers) and working out.  Grrrr the chubb is back.  I've gained 10 lbs since last summer.  Boo!  I need to figure out some way to continually hold myself accountable on the blog (I need all the help I can get).  Hmmm time for blogging research.  Until then I can report in that I ate healthy and exercised yesterday.  Woo hoo! Day 1 success!

Friday, May 15, 2009


The little wife with her nephew ... September 2007

Our good friends the Tacketts are having their baby today.  I'm so excited!  I can't wait to meet their babe AND see what sex it is.  I'm not so good at this waiting thing.  Trust me people, I will be finding out the sex of baby Mason.  Holy moly I think I'm getting baby crazy.  Hubby has been there for a while.  And now the little wife is there.  Weird.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Tonight I showed up for a Junior League meeting 15 minutes late.  Let me rephrase that ... I thought I was showing up to the meeting 15 minutes late.  In reality I showed up to the meeting 23 hours and 45 minutes early.  Oy vey, what an idiot. 

** Note: my mother-in-law is in the hospital ... I'm a little out of sorts.  I've had conversations with one of hubby's aunts about the ditzy things we've done while under family-medical-stress. 


This is how my hair looks when I do it.  The problem is I don't do it - EVER.  What is wrong with me?  I love it when I actually do it.  Why am I so hair lazy?

Seriously, I did my hair last night and my mood instantly turned around.  I felt glamorous ... ready for a night out.  Too bad my hubby was in class.  Otherwise I would have made him meet me for a drink (beer for him ... nonalcoholic whatever for me).  The night shouldn't have ended ... not with my hair looking so great!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I was called to do my civic duty and was asked to report for jury duty in downtown San Jose this morning.  Great.  Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of time.  Plus, I adore crime novels so I figure I must be kinda into the way the US justice system works, right?  Not this week thank you you very much!

As stated in the previous post, my mother-in-law is in the hospital.  David and I have plans to go to Southern California to visit her tomorrow.  I was just going to think positively ... I was not going to get on a jury.

The morning started out well.  And by well I mean uneventful.  Our group was not called.  In fact, we were even let go for an early two hour lunch.  Woo hoo!  I don't know if I've ever had a two hour lunch. (Oh yes I have ... when Redhead Jen came and visited me at work in Menlo Park ... we definitely took a two hour lunch ... I digress).  After lunch I go back to the courthouse and am very optimistic that I can just ride out my jury service in the jury holding tank/waiting room.   Ummmm no!

At approximately 2:45 they summon us to a random courtroom on the 4th floor.  Oh crap.  We file into the gallery of courtroom 301?? and are greeted by the stares of a judge, jury, prosecutor, defense attorney, defendant, sheriff's deputy, and two random court ladies.  Um folks, this is real.  I seriously got goose bumps.  Hello, I already mentioned that I love crime/spy/fabulous novels ... I was now in the midst of it.  The judge proceeds to tell us that they need to find two alternate jurors for a criminal trial.  Hello criminal trial - so fun!  No, I need to go to LA tomorrow!  I can't be at the courthouse tomorrow!  After explaining the charges against the defendant (crazy!!!) the judge says he'll hear hardship arguments from the potential jurors (that's us).  Okay little wife, you can do this.

After waiting in line with nearly every other potential juror in my pool (apparently no one believes in civic duty) it was my time to shine.  They brought us one by one into the courtroom.  We stood behind a podium, smack dab in the middle of the room, directly facing the judge.  The prosecutor, defense attorney, defendant, sheriff's deputy, and random court ladies were all staring at me.  I say, "I need to go down to Southern California with my husband tomorrow."  To which the judge replies, "Oh, are you going on vacation?"  And then ... I CRIED! 

I got about four words out between sobs.  Mother-in-law ... hospital ... brain tumor ... last night.  Okay, that's six words.  More tears.  The sheriff's deputy handed me a tissue.  Apparently I looked quite pathetic.  

I was dismissed.  I walked out of the courthouse with my head held high ... crying all the way.  Then I cried all the way home.  Awesome.  I'm going to get another jury summons in November.  Whatever.  At least I'll get to go down and see my mother-in-law tomorrow.

**Note:  I am okay with the fact that I'm turning into my mother.  I don't know how I feel about the fact that I may also be turning into my sister.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


my mother-in-law is in the hospital.

this sucks.