Thursday, September 10, 2009

spinning = death

That was my facebook status update on Tuesday. Spinning really does equal death in more ways than one. "Adding insult to injury" would also apply.

I took a spinning class at the gym on Tuesday afternoon and wanted to die. I spent the majority of the time staring up at the clock willing the hour to be up. First of all I hadn't worked out in about two weeks (bad me - I did go on dog walks, and had a couple of mellow trips to the gym, but nothing hard core). Second, the spinning instructor (who I've never taken from before) had the worst music playing. Where was the fun pop music to help me escape from my spinning misery? I don't know. But it was replaced by what I can only call old lady music. Awful. When I walked in I was wondering why a woman on a bike behind me had her ipod in a case on her arm. Hmmm curious. Not anymore. In order to make it through that hour that genius woman supplied her own music. Genius I tell you. I'm totally stealing that move! My previous spinning experiences have always been challenged by the music. This week's experience was the worst. Haha spinning instructors, I will outsmart you ... with the help from above mentioned lady.

Now on to the insult and injury.

Injury = it is now Thursday and my legs and toosh region are still hurting. 

That would be fine except:

Insult = after my spinning class I gained 2 lbs.

Unacceptable. I worked my butt off for what? Nothing! Only to gain 2 lbs. That is definitely adding "insult to injury." Grrr to my chubby life, grrr to awful spinning music, and grrr to the injuries and insults I have to endure.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The husband and I have really been trying hard to cut down on our spending. So when I announced that I was getting the hubby a present last week he was not so thrilled. Cue husband making a sad face. But then I added that it would be a free present. Cue husband's sneaky happy smile.

What is this present? Yes, a new, FREE, remote control. Complete with metallic bows. Hahaha.

Two weeks or so ago he let it be known that Mr. Mason would require a new remote control for football season. It sounds a little demanding. But let me tell you, we were living quite ghetto-fabulous here in San Jose (I was just too lazy to do anything about it). Multiple important buttons didn't work. These important buttons include necessary football watching buttons. Mr. Mason is quite the football game flipper.

Needless to say, the husband was thrilled! Both with the free price tag and the fabulously perfect gift!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


... or lack thereof. So annoying. Last night I was wide awake at 3:30am. Yup. AM. Gross. If this were a once in a blue moon occurrence, fine. But no. It's quite the regular fun event around these parts - 3 times in the past 3 weeks. Boo! I don't feel that stressed outwardly. Apparently my body is telling me that I'm super stressed. Calm down, body. Calm down. Everything is great here with the Mason family!