Monday, November 30, 2009


I don't really like Thanksgiving. The food does nothing for me. Turkey especially. I REALLY dislike turkey. Also, I always overeat which makes me feel awful. Please note, I have a very funny tummy that likes to act up when I eat too much food or anything rich, funky, sweet, etc. I don't hate everything involved with turkey-day (see, it's a holiday also known as turkey-day which I already told you I hate). I do enjoy the holiday because it's a big fun family time. Plus, the husband and I have started an awesome bagel, mimosa, and football tradition. But that doesn't have anything to do with 'traditional' Thanksgiving itself. I'm totally rambling.

This year Thanksgiving was turned on its head. By what you ask. By fried freakin' turkey. Amazingly delicious. At hubby's family Thanksgiving a newly acquired family member came and deep fried two turkeys. OMG. Life changing. The hubby and I came back to my family, talked friend turkey up so much that we've convinced my mother to buy a turkey fryer. Next year the husband is going to deep fry turkeys at my family's Thanksgiving. I love finding new traditions!

Oh, and what am I thankful for you ask? My amazingly wonderful husband, of course!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving everyone!

** Please note: Chef Patrick Mould did not fry our turkey. That honor went to Mr. David King


purse issues!
which one should I get?

lv montorgueil

lv batigonelles horizontal

lv neverfull (3 different sizes - I'd do the biggest)


Happy Birthday to me! Don't worry, I've been sufficiently pampered and loved on by my amazing husband!

Monday, November 2, 2009


I consider myself a pretty gosh darn crafty gal. In fact, I'm known for it in my family and in Junior League. So it came as quite a surprise tonight when I completely failed at a craft. Actually it's more accurate to say that my craft went down in flames! Grrr ...

I was asked to make a prototype of a t-shirt for the JLSJ Fashion Show Steering Committee. Sure, of course. Easy peasy, I'm the craft queen. Not so fast Mrs. Mason.

I am ready to cut up my practice shirt and throw my iron out the window. Iron on t-shirts are hard! And this is my second attempt. I was so frustrated after the first attempt (printing issues and the same ol' iron issues) that I had to put the project aside for two weeks.

Now I just have to break it to the Fashion Show Co-Chairs that I'm not the gal for the job. Good thing we're also ordering the shirts from a screen printer. Though I know there are ladies that would like to have homemade ones. Hopefully those same ladies will thoroughly enjoy making them themselves.

It takes a grown lady to admit that they failed, right? Can you tell that I'm trying to find a bright spot in this gloomy craft night?