Monday, November 2, 2009


I consider myself a pretty gosh darn crafty gal. In fact, I'm known for it in my family and in Junior League. So it came as quite a surprise tonight when I completely failed at a craft. Actually it's more accurate to say that my craft went down in flames! Grrr ...

I was asked to make a prototype of a t-shirt for the JLSJ Fashion Show Steering Committee. Sure, of course. Easy peasy, I'm the craft queen. Not so fast Mrs. Mason.

I am ready to cut up my practice shirt and throw my iron out the window. Iron on t-shirts are hard! And this is my second attempt. I was so frustrated after the first attempt (printing issues and the same ol' iron issues) that I had to put the project aside for two weeks.

Now I just have to break it to the Fashion Show Co-Chairs that I'm not the gal for the job. Good thing we're also ordering the shirts from a screen printer. Though I know there are ladies that would like to have homemade ones. Hopefully those same ladies will thoroughly enjoy making them themselves.

It takes a grown lady to admit that they failed, right? Can you tell that I'm trying to find a bright spot in this gloomy craft night?


  1. I don't think I could do that either!!

  2. iron on tee shirt stuff is REALLY hard... never turns out how you want it. ever.
