Sunday, August 16, 2009

diaper cakes

My life last week. Two words. Diaper cakes (Oh and a third word - golf - but that's a separate hubby related word). Today I helped a girlfriend host a dual baby shower for two Junior League girlfriends. Two of my contributions can be seen above and below. After reading preggie-new mom blogs I'd gotten it in my  head that I too wanted wanted to make a diaper cake. Here was my big chance! Where did I turn? Google (of course). And from there YouTube (totally not of course - the diaper-cake-how-to was my first ever YouTube video). Whatever, I was able to create my first two cakes. I think they turned out pretty darn great, if I do say so myself! Gawd I love crafts! Luckily I get to make a third diaper cake for a college roommie's baby shower this Sunday - think purple and green. Sorry, this post was totally about diaper cakes and not about the fab shower for two amazingly gorgeous mommies-to-be.

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