Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Monday I made my first visit to a dermatologist in forever, well, since I worked for a dermatologist back in the prehistoric era when my darling husband was merely my *special friend.* I lost touch with the fabulous ladies I worked with and have at times thought of sending them a card telling them that I married my *special friend.* My oh my, how I chewed their ears off about this fabulous yet mysteriously frustrating yet compelling man. I kind of want to tell them that our story did indeed have a happy ending. Oh well, I told it on the blog, that's got to have to do for now.

I went to the derm for two reasons.
1. I needed a full body check.
2. Adult acne

I'll address #1 first. My mother-in-law belatedly announced that she had a melanoma 5-10 years ago, at which point I demanded that darling husband go to the derm (his appointment is on Thursday). I felt that I should also get a full body check just in case (better safe than sorry). This was an incredibly traumatic and stress inducing prospect. I am modest. Incredibly modest. Being naked in front of a derm that I'd just met two seconds before. No thank you. Seriously, I think my husband is the only person I've ever stood in front of completely naked (childhood/babydom does not count). And even that took some time. Modest I tell ya! Anyway, it ended up not being psychologically painful (Could I actually be maturing and mellowing?). And not the point of this post. Actually, neither is #2. But I just need to vent about #2.

Ahhh good old evil #2. Adult acne. I've had some hormonal problems most likely related to multiple birth control trials, errors, and switcharoos. To put it nicely, my face has been freaking out. Which has left me in a state of grumpasaurisness. Not to worry, the derm gave me a light dosage of antibiotics, a new face wash, and two prescriptions for topical acne treatments. Hallelujah. So excited. Bye, bye adult acne.

So why I'm really telling you about this ... I was referred to this derm by a girlfriend who really liked the doc and her PA. However, she also warned me about the quirkiness of her receptionist/admin. I think it was something about how she's a bit much. (Note: I adore this girlfriend but she's a bit serious/mellow. So much so that I try to keep my crazy under control in front of her). Anyway, when I went into the office the receptionist was extra cheery, but not too bad. Either her craziness was in check or my girlfriend has a sensitive crazy meter.

I asked the doc about the Clarisonic because I'd heard great things about it from above girlfriend and from so many fabulous bloggers. The doc said it would be great and I could incorporate it into my new skincare routine for better results. I wasn't ready to plunk down the cash for it (plus I had the Sephora Friends and Family 20% off coupon - sorry I can't figure out how to link to it - email me if you'd like me to pass it along) but the doc conveniently put one up at the front desk just in case. I had to explain to the receptionist that I was just asking about it and not actually purchasing it. I asked her if she had experience with it at which time she replied, "no, but I've heard great things about it. I tend to go overboard on things so they won't allow me to use one." (Meaning, crazy lazy would probably get sores on her face because of over usage). Wow, the crazy that my girlfriend warned me about finally came out.

Not good. When I worked at the derm the PA had to give me super mild products because of overuse (several times I made my face peel badly because of what I'd like to call acne removal eagerness - and would promptly get in trouble). I actually overheard the PA scolding one of the nurses for giving me too strong of a product saying, "you know you can't give that to her, it'll end badly." I am obviously the equivalent of the crazy receptionist lady. Scratch that, I am the lady my girlfriend warned me about. Typical.

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